Sunday, September 8, 2013

Disney museum?

Hey guys,

I just wanted to see what you all think about who should go to the Disney family museum. I would like to go, if anyone else would like to go, speak up and we will all talk about it :) I think we have to tell Bunny ASAP.


  1. My vote goes to Megan or you Kristy.

  2. How many are we allowed from each group again? Two people? Id be interested in going if this is the case, but I think you would be a good candidate Kristy!

  3. Agreed with Wu. Hopefully, whoever goes shares the knowledge. haha.

  4. I think it might be two but I overheard a little it may just be one depending on artistic discipline.

  5. thats all you kristy. go ahead and notify bunny!

  6. Cool, I will tell Bunny that we both want to go for our group. Our group seems to have more people in it than other groups so maybe they will let us take two! If not, then you can go Megan :)

  7. Alright sounds good. Although you said you wanted to go first! I dont want to be silly, but i must insist. Your work is the most developed at this point too, so you would probably be the best representative, dawg.

  8. so I just saw the message from bunny on the yahoo group, and it looks like there is an attachment? but im not able to download it. are you kristy?
